/ˌdē ˌen ˈā/ 



  1. the fundamental and distinctive characteristics or qualities of someone or something, especially when regarded as unchangeable. 


Prayer- We will be a house of prayer. Jesus established the church as a house of prayer and that’s who/what we are. We engage God through prayer. Our prayers allow us to experience God’s presence and power. Prayer makes us a people of intimacy (In-to-Him-I-see).  

Fellowship- We will be a place of connection. We are a community of faith, joined by our association with God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Together we will navigate the cares of life, as a family of faith. We see God, in others, through fellowship. Everyone has a place here! Fellowship makes us a people of covenant community. 

Teaching- We will make the Word of God paramount, hearing and heeding His word first. His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We know God through teaching. We desire to grow to biblical literacy and be transformed by the gospel. Teaching makes us a people of substance. 

Worship- We will strive to passionately cultivate a God-focused, God-centered, God-honoring worship experience and lifestyle that creates an atmosphere for God’s presence to dwell. We invite God through our worship. Worship makes us a people of pursuit. 

Service- We will be extensions of the hands and heart of God by how we lovingly and sacrificially bless the world around us. We share God through service. We are a people of mission. 
